How to create a team in Pokemon Go

Everyone has their favorite Pokemon in Pokemon Go, but when creating a team, think strategy. If you catch lots of wild Pidgey, for example, you will be able to transfer these Pokemon to the Professor to get Pidgey candy. Then you can Power Up your Pidgey to make it stronger, or Evolve the Pidgey into Pidgeotto and strengthen that Pokemon. Point being, level up Pokemon you have the most candy for, even if these creatures are not your favorites. 

When you have several high level Pokemon, it’s time to form a team. These Pokemon will fight when you attempt to claim a gym. To create a team in Pokemon Go, click the Poke Ball icon at the bottom of the screen and then select Pokemon on the left. Click the Pokemon you wish to favorite and then on the next screen (the one displaying the Pokemon), press the star icon on the top right. Now the game recognizes this Pokemon as one of your favorites.

The game will then arrange favorited Pokemon from highest CP to lowest. If you have a CP413 Jolteon, for instance, it will be higher than your CP166 Oddish.